There is one entity in Ayurveda called ”Hrid – Shula ”. The word Hrid derived from the original word Hridaya which means the Heart. Shula means pain. The meaning of Hrid – Shula is thus, pain in ( & around ) the heart. The condition occurs due to increased or altered Vata Dosha in the heart & nearby area. As we know, the main force of movement of anything in any body system is controlled & done by Vata dosha. The indigested Meda Dhatu ( Cholesterol, LDL ), Pitta dosha & Kapha dosha blocks partially or totally the normal route of Vata dosha. Thus the Vata dosha gets altered too, creating pain at the Heart & nearby areas.
There are 5 types of each dosha. In all, each dosha accompanies the heart in some or other way. When the dosha alters, some problem occurs as per the doshas.